the blenderla licuadora
the broilerla parrilla
the burnerel quemador
the cabinetel gabinete
the can openerel abrelatas
the counterel contador
the cutting boardla tabla de cortar
the dish drainerel escurreplatos
the dishwasherel lavavajillas
the drawerel cajón
the electric mixerla batidora eléctrica
the food processorel procesador de alimentos
the freezerel congelador
the garbage disposalel recogedor de basura
the kitchenla cocina
the microwave ovenel horno de microondas
the ovenel horno
the panla caserola
the paper towelslas toallas de papel
the potla cazuela
the refrigeratorel refrigerador
the shelfla plataforma/el estante
the sinkel fregadero
the stovela estufa
the teakettlela tetera
the toasterel tostador
the toaster ovenel tostador